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Personal Injury in the Coronavirus Era
Aaron Ferguson Law May 4, 2020 12:00:00 AM

Accidents are an inevitable consequence of our busy lives. So, while the recent pandemic outbreak of a novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has upended the daily routines of people and businesses across the globe, it has not ended the need for knowledgeable help when you have been injured. As we all adjust to a new normal, here are some ways that COVID-19 may affect your personal injury case.
Administrative Delays
Many administrative aspects of the court system have been scaled back or shut down completely due to COVID-19. Therefore, your personal injury case may not be resolved as efficiently as it would be under normal circumstances. Despite these new challenges, your case will be heard and you can still recover compensation for your injury, so don’t be discouraged by potential delays. The legal system is adapting in new and exciting ways, including the use of video and teleconferencing to hold remote hearings and other previously in-person proceedings such as depositions and mediations.
Extension of Deadlines
Statutes of limitations and other deadlines are critical to any personal injury case. The countdown to file your claim typically begins from the moment you are injured, so there really is no time to lose. However, on April 14, 2020, Governor Walz signed into law a bill that extends the limitations period for 60 days after the Governor’s state of emergency order is lifted. It is important to be aware of legal deadlines and seek professional help with your case as soon as possible because missing a deadline could result in your case being dismissed.
The economic impact of COVID-19 may affect the amount of money offered to you as compensation for your injury. It can be tempting to accept the first offer presented in order to speed up the process, but the first offer is rarely the best. It may be that more cases will go to trial as a result of insufficient offers from an insurer.
In accordance with local, state, and federal government recommendations, many law firms are offering virtual meetings, teleconferencing, and other accommodations to guide injured parties through the legal process. Now more than ever it is important to contact an attorney who specializes in personal injury cases so they can gather information and facts from you to assess the merits of your case. Aaron Ferguson Law is committed to keeping your claim moving forward in these uncertain times. Call our office at 651-493-0426 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys.
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